Earning money through online : To earn money through online ,you need to know that by clicking links in websites or by seeing adds in online we don't get any money .So please remove this kind of ideas from your mind.
The best way to earn money through online is by designing or by making blogs .If you know programming languages dynamic web sites are best for you .
If you don't have any knowledge on programming languages not a problem you need to go for static websites like blogs.
There are some websites which providing free hosting for blogs like Blogger and Wordpress etc. By this free blogs you need to give posts which having unique content and also to earn money from that,you need to attract good number of visitors with your unique posts for example take some fields like Technology and Gadgets and give full information about latest gadgets and latest technology updates.
After attracting visitors with at least twenty posts then you need to apply for google adscence through google .After approval google will place ads in your blog and pay money for you depends on the blog traffic.Not only adscence ,we have so many websites which providing ads for your blogs like Infolinks etc.
The best way to earn money through online is by designing or by making blogs .If you know programming languages dynamic web sites are best for you .
If you don't have any knowledge on programming languages not a problem you need to go for static websites like blogs.
There are some websites which providing free hosting for blogs like Blogger and Wordpress etc. By this free blogs you need to give posts which having unique content and also to earn money from that,you need to attract good number of visitors with your unique posts for example take some fields like Technology and Gadgets and give full information about latest gadgets and latest technology updates.
After attracting visitors with at least twenty posts then you need to apply for google adscence through google .After approval google will place ads in your blog and pay money for you depends on the blog traffic.Not only adscence ,we have so many websites which providing ads for your blogs like Infolinks etc.