Most powerful WhatsApp tricks and tips of 2016

Most powerful WhatsApp tricks and tips of 2016 - Here are some powerful tips and tricks of WhatsApp that you never seen.

Best WhatsApp Tricks

Trick 1 : Now a days everyone using WhatsApp in their android mobiles and maximum of them,keeping pattern or text lock to that WhatsApp .If you want to read your friend WhatsApp messages even though your friend may kept lock or pattern here is a trick for you.

Down load another app into your friends mobile , app name is  Backup text for WhatsApp.

After opening the app you will find out the options like filter by chat,filter by date,filter by messages,file type and export to .

You need to click on export to button and it may give two options to you like SD card and email , you can select any one to show your friends WhatsApp messages on SD card or email which you have given.

Trick 2 : There is no direct option to use WhatsApp on your desktop without your mobile.

If you have a mobile phone it is possible to scan by QR code.But if you don't have any mobile not a problem to use your mobile on desktop.

Go to Bluestacks  website and download the bluestacks for your desktop of your software version then go to properties and them compatibility of blue stacks software set your desktop software version and open the app .

Then login to google play store from bluestacks and download WhatsApp then use like your mobile. 

Most Important websites for engineering students

Most Important websites for engineering students : Now a days major problem for engineering students is gathering resources and they need to know how to gathering materials and tutorials now we will give you some important websites where you will get maximum knowledge. : is the most searched website by learners   and developers and job holders it having hundreds of tutorials for online learning and also for downloading in the form of PDF , it also having executing platform  for computer languages.
Useful web sites for engineering students providing online tutorials for learning and also w3schools proving online certification for the courses . : proving video tutorials for free learning purpose providing video tutorials for online learning purpose. : providing Interview questions and questions for competitive exams.

Websites for Job search : and

Easy way to Earn Money through online

Earning money through online : To earn money through online ,you need to know that by clicking links in websites or by seeing adds in online we don't get any money .So please remove this kind of ideas from your mind.

The best way to earn money through online is by designing or by making blogs .If you know programming languages dynamic web sites are best for you .

If you don't have any knowledge on programming languages not a problem you need to go for static websites like blogs.

There are some websites which providing free hosting for blogs like Blogger and Wordpress etc.  By this free blogs you need to give posts which having unique content and also to earn money from that,you need to attract good number of visitors with your unique posts for example take some fields like Technology and Gadgets and give full information about latest gadgets and latest technology updates.

After attracting visitors with at least  twenty posts then you need to apply for google  adscence  through google .After approval google will place ads in your blog and pay money for you depends on the blog traffic.Not only adscence ,we have so many websites   which providing ads for your blogs like Infolinks etc.

How to make calls from Coin box Without inserting Coin

To make calls from coin box without inserting coin, first we need to know how a coin box works.

When we inserting coin the coin box need typing of mobile number and at the time of typing every number will give different tones.

Those tones will reach the receiver , and the receiver will do call from it.This is the process of coin box working.

If we create the same type of sounds, then we will make call from coin box without coin.

For that we need to download the app on Android called TONEDEF,which is available on palystore. After downloading the app ,the App will appear like this.

In this app we need to type the the number whatever you need to call.After entering the number click on dial.

Then it will give the tones for that number. Now we need to keep these tones of mobile phone at the receiver of the coin box. Then it will read the tones and make the call from it.In this way we have to make calls from coin box without inserting coin.

To download the Tonedef app for your mobile , First go to Google play store and search for TONEDEF , then down load the App.

Best Way to Create Free Blogs

Now a day’s Blogs became very famous to share information and content!

Now I will explain The Best way of creating free blogs.

Follow the step by step procedure given below…..

Go to

Click on new Blog.

Enter the title for the blog what ever you want to choose.

And give the address for the Blog , then select the template for your blog given on the below of the blog.

Then click on create the blog.

After creating the Blog , the dash board of the blog appeared like as above. Here we need to modify the settings. And arrange the template as you like.

Now your template is ready for your Blog. Then you need to do postings
To create posts click on the new post, this is at the top side of left side. 

Here we need to set the title for the Blog .And write the content whatever you want , here is possibility of inserting photos also by clicking the picture symbol on the above.

At the time of posting we need to create labels , these labels are acting as alternate titles to your post. Whenever the searches are similar to the labels, there is a possibility of appearing our post on search engines.

Schedule option is used to set the publish the content at different times.

Permalink option is used to change the URL for the post.

Here is a possibility of inserting location for the post, from where we are posting.

And the search description is used to get higher rankings to your Blog post and as well as your Blog.

How to protect your Gmail Account !

Google account protection

Ways to protect your Gmail account:

  • Google account is same for all its services, like Gmail and Google plus, Blogger etc.

  • Let me explain that how to secure your Gmail account.

  • Better to open your Gmail account in your personnel computers or in your mobile phones only, because several types of viruses are available to crack your password.

  • If the account is personal make sure to have two step verification either by sms or voice calls.

  • Be good at recovery options, by recovery settings.

  • Don’t use Google account details at anywhere.     

  • Your password should consist of letters, numbers and characters.

  • Change your password frequently.

  • Don’t download the attachments sent by unknown people, it may consist of virus files.
  • Don’t enter your details in phishing pages, means it won’t have www at the starting of their websites.

  • Don’t share your Google account passwords to anyone.

  • Use better anti viruses to your system, it will protect your system from viruses.

  • Never click on remember password option, apart from your personal computer or mobile phones.

  • Don’t click on any links at the time of logged in. If you want to open a link just copy it and after logged out only you want to open it by pasting on browser.  

  • Before downloading of Apps or games, just check that whether it is from trusted site or not. If not download it after reading of reviews only. Because it may contain viruses to theft your data.

  • Don’t keep your bank details and ATM, DEBIT, CREDIT card details and passwords in your mails.


How to protect your Facebook account !

facebook secure

  • Generally most of the people knows that how to use Facebook account but only some them know that how to protect it. Now I will explain that how to secure your Facebook account.
  • Better to open your Facebook account in your personnel computers or your mobile phones, because several types of viruses are available to crack your password.
  • Make high security password to your Facebook account, like it consisting of small letters and caps and numbers and characters.
  • Don’t use your Facebook password any ware apart from Facebook.
  • Arrange login alerts to your Facebook accounts, it helps to get notify when others try it crack your accounts.
  • Don’t accept the requests from the unknown people.
  • Don’t click any links on internet, when you are logged in. Because some of the links contain viruses to theft your information. 
  • Be careful at the time of downloading of Apps and Games, check the protection by checking the reviews.
  • At the time of log in check the URL of the site, whether it consisting of WWW or not, because some of the fake pages appearing like original page to crack password.
  • Make sure that installed better anti-virus software.
  • Better to change your password at least every six months.
  • Don’t share your Facebook password with other than trusted people.
  • Don’t click on remember password apart from your personnel computer.
  • Limit the audience to see your sharing’s.
  • Don’t click likes on unknown videos or posts.
  • Check the active sessions regularly and remove the unknown sessions.
  • Enable the email and sms notifications.
  • Keep the better security question, which anyone don’t know apart from you.